JIRCAS visits UPV: Explores potential collaborations

Four (4) members of Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) Fisheries Division visited the University of the Philippines Visayas last June 4, 2024 with the aim to explore potential collaborations. JIRCAS visiting delegation were Dr. Satoshi Honda, Director; Dr. Ryogen Nambu, Senior Researcher; Dr. Ryuya Matsuda, Researcher; Dr. Tetsuya Sanda, Researcher. They were accompanied by Dr. Joemel Sumbing of the School of Technology.
Dr. Mary Grace Sedanza, RRC Director and UPV Chancellor Clement C. Camposano welcomed them at the New Admin Building. Chancellor Camposano discussed with them the various research thrusts of the university, particularly in the field of fisheries in which they can collaborate.
The visitors were toured around the UPV Multi-species Hatchery Complex, where various research project setups on tilapia, blood cockles, green mussel, algae and seaweeds are located. Present during the tour were Station head, Mr. Alan Failaman, former Institute of Aquaculture (IA) Director, Dr. Rex Ferdinand T. Traifalgar who elaborated more on the SPIN (Saline-tolerant Population of Improved Nilotica) tilapia and Dr. Iris Ann Borlongan, IA faculty researcher and assistant to the VCRE who showed the experimental setups at the Seaweed Laboratory.

School of Technology was another destination, meeting the SOTECH faculty researchers headed by Dean Dr. Ramer P. Bautista. After which, the team proceeded to the Regional Research Center (RRC) building for further meetings. Present were Chancellor Clement C. Camposano, CAS Dean Prof. Pepito Fernandez, and IA and PGC-Visayas Director Dr. Victor Marco Emmanuel N. Ferriols.
Dr. Ferriols presented the facilities used for various projects and initiatives of PGC and their beneficial contribution during the pandemic. RRC facilities in the Food, Feeds and Nutrition (FFN) Laboratory and Microbiology and Biology Laboratory, with on-going and completed research outputs were also introduced, headed by Dr. Jade Pahila and Mr. Luke Dranoel Atencio as laboratory facilitators, respectively.
The university continues to forge partnerships and collaborations with various local and international agencies to advance sustainable and productive research. This collaboration initiative with JIRCAS is with the School of Technology, CFOS-IA and the UPV Regional Research Center.