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  • ovcre.upvisayas@up.edu.ph
  • University of the Philippines Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo
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Regional Development Council WV conducts FGD with UPV research core group

Regional Development Council WV conducts FGD with UPV research core group

Representatives from the Regional Research, Development and Innovation Committee (RRDIC) of the Regional Development Council (RDC) Western Visayas conducted a focus group discussion (FGD) with the UPV Research Core Group represented by Dr. Harold M. Monteclaro, Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension and Dr. Victor Marco Emmanuel N. Ferriols, RRC and PGC Director last April 25, 2023 at the New Admin Building Conference Room, UP Visayas. 

During the FGD, the R&D projects and profile of the university were presented. This was a part of the preparations in creating the Harmonized Research and Development Agenda for 2023-2028. Moreover, this will help in the assessment of the R&D initiatives being conducted by various State Universities and Colleges (SUCS) and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as well as in the evaluation of the impacts of these projects to various stakeholders.