UPV joins consultation to capacitate research, creative work, and innovation programs

Faculty and REPS of UP Visayas participated in the consultation sessions on establishing research groups and creative studios at the department level. Two sessions were held in Miagao and Iloilo City Campuses on July 30 and 31, respectively.
The consultation was spearheaded by the University of the Philippines System Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) with assistance from counterpart offices, UPV’s Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension.
The OVPAA Team was led by the Assistant to the VPAA, Dr. Percival F. Almoro, who was also the main discussant of the sessions.
This consultation was an opportunity to accommodate concerns and questions from the perspective of UPV researchers, artists, and innovators in the proposed collective mentorship program in research groups and creative studios in the department levels. Primarily, the main idea is to present the role of collective mentorship in cultivating research, creative works, and innovation in the university. Seconded by the drive of establishing specific programs and coherent vision among each department to support experts and novice researchers, artists, and innovators. This initiative will help the departments increase scholarly outputs, capacitate young researchers and artists, enhance collaborations both in the academe and the industry, as well as amplify extension work and public service.
Present during the consultations are the faculty members and REPs of the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Management, School of Technology, and the Graduate School. REPs from UPV research units, the Regional Research Center (RRC) joined as well as from UPV Library and Teaching and Learning Resource Center (TLRC).