Day 1 of 2 in the orientations on Research and Work Ethics, Intellectual Property Rights, and Crisis Management

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension conducted the first day of the two-day series orientations about Research and Work Ethics, Intellectual Property Rights and Crisis Management last September 24, 2024 at the CFOS AV Hall, UP Visayas Miagao Campus. The first day delved into Research Ethics and Intellectual Property Rights topics both offered in morning and afternoon sessions.
The Research Ethics was discussed by Asst. Prof. Lhumen A. Tejano, UPV Research Ethics Board Chairperson. He emphasized the importance of conducting scientifically sound research and being ethically responsible. The session served also as a gateway to introduce the UPV Research Ethics Board, the services it offers, and the requirements to comply with. He promoted the importance of research proposals that involved human participants to undergo ethical review of procedures by UPV REB.
The second topic about University’s Intellectual Property Rights Policy was discussed by Ms. Ferelyn F. Oliva, IP Officer and ITSO Manager of the UPV Technology Transfer and Business Development Office. She elaborated the essentials of IP Rights in protecting and safe-keeping the research projects outputs of the research. She also discussed the application processes of availing these legal rights.
The day 1 was attended by Faculty members, UPV REPS and project-based personnel from various units of the university. Day 2 will continue on October 1, 2024 (Tuesday) at the same venue. The topics will focus on Work/Professional Ethics and Crisis Management with another set of invited speakers.