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CapSU Main Campus College Engineering, Architecture and Technology and UPV realizes possible partnership
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The Capiz State University (CapSU) Main Campus College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology visited UPV last July 5, 2024 to benchmark and explore possible research collaborations. They visited the research facilities of the university, specifically the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (CFOS) and UPV Regional Research Center (RRC).
The CAPSU delegation was welcomed by the UPV RRC Director, Dr. Mary Grace Sedanza together with Engr. Vincent John D. Fuentes of the RRC. Their first stop was at the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension for a courtesy visit. They proceeded at the UPV Multi-species Hatchery Complex to witness the research projects on aquaculture commodities such as blood cockles, mussels and tilapia. They were also toured inside the Seaweed and Planktoniche Laboratories to view up close the seaweed species and planktons using the microscope.
They also visited the Seafood Processing Plant of the Institute of Fish Processing Technology to see the institute’s processing equipment on smoking and canning. Ms. Karmelie Jane Monaya, URA I of IFPT toured them around the facility, explained the mandates and objectives of the plant and its operations. After which, the visitors proceeded to the Regional Research Center to explore various laboratories that housed cutting-edge equipment, which are useful to various engineering applications. Dr. Sedanza, Mr. JM Eslopor, Engr. Vincent John D. Fuentes and Ms. Jamaica Trexy Magdayao-Espinosa facilitated the activities around the RRC laboratories.
Right after, UPV with Dr. Sedanza, as lead-facilitator, headed a meeting with CAPSU to discuss possible collaborative engagements in the field of instruction, research and extension activities. Furthermore, drafting of MOU between UPV and CAPSU was conferred. UPV continues to work jointly with State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in the region to foster its research and development initiatives and uphold its mandate of extending service to the nation.